Branding project for the new OND PARK in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. We provide essential set-up for the new project, including the concept, naming and logo of the park, as well as communication and design supervision in a way that accompanies the project.
OND PARK is a concept park based on the themes of healing, interaction and exercise. As a park PFI project for the Takeo Onsen Recreation Village, it aims to revitalise the local community by providing facilities for various activities, such as camping sites, yoga studios, saunas, cafés and events.

Raise the 'temperature' of the mind and body, the relationships between people and the way the community should be.
It will also take the 'ondo' role in enlivening Takeo.
We named it OND PARK in the hope that it will become such a place.
The three letters of OND also stand for,
Open = open to everyone.
Neutral = to regulate the body and mind
Diverse = can be used in a variety of ways.
Diverse = various ways to use the facility.

The "O" gives the logo an organic dynamism, as if a temperature mark is generated, while the rotation of the "PARK" adds a sense of fun and dynamism, and the logo as a whole aims to create an "open and fun place". The tagline "PLAY & BREATHE" encompasses the various activities that take place within OND PARK.

We aimed to express an open and fun place on the web, and to create a dynamism where 'something is being born' and 'something is moving'.

OND CAFE opened on 15th December

Opening Event on 1st April

- Creative/Art Director
- Yuto Nakamura(MARUKAJIRI)
- Designer
- Yuto Nakamura(MARUKAJIRI)
- Copy Writer
- Takehiko Yanase(P inc.)